28 ways to LOVE YOURSELF in 2019

Let’s just dive right in shall we!

Mexico: Photo by PIXAN photo (edited by me)
  1. Read your favorite book at the park, by the beach or somewhere that you love!
Currently reading: Without Rival by Lisa Bevere

2. Go on a walk or a hike with a good playlist! Worship playlists are my JAM!

3. Take yourself on a trip! Whether this is on a flight to the next city in the US you want to visit, or out of the country! You will learn more about yourself traveling solo than any other thing you can do! (More to come from my solo trip to Mexico and solo travel in general!)

4. Take some funny pictures and laugh at yourself!

Most people say live life on the edge, I live upside-down!
You’re welcome (wink!)

5. Take a comedy class. Several years ago, I did a comedy class and learned how to be spontaneous on the spot while acting a fool! It is a great way to really just get over yourself!

6. Find a new coffee spot and tell yourself to speak to three people!

7. Attend one event a week by yourself! While at that event, challenge yourself to meet one new person there! When I first graduated college, I had moved to the heart of Denver and did not know many people within the city. I told myself I needed to meet at LEAST one new person a week. At first it was very intimidating and I was not a fan of attending events alone. I finally got used to it and that was how I made most of my connections when I lived in Denver. Some of those connections being some of my greatest friends today! I am working to be better at that in NYC!

8. Go to a place where you seek God the most and write down things He says to you in a journal! For me it’s the ocean, and this past time while on my trip, He said, you’re beautiful, uniquely loved, and created for a purpose!

9. Volunteer at a nursing home and ask some of the people to tell their life story! I did this a really long time ago and I want to do it again! HMU if you’re interested (DM me on Instagram)! There is so much wisdom from people who have lived on this earth longer than we have, and we can learn something from them!

10. Try a new recipe and take pictures of your meal. Throw a dinner party to share it with others! One thing I enjoy is cooking (only when I have the kitchen to myself and no one to bother me lol). It is fun to cook for others

11. Go to the movies by yourself. This is a good one for beginners who are getting used to being by themselves. 

12. Go to a romantic place by yourself. On my birthday, I went to this nice romantic restaurant in the resort and just had an excellent 3 course meal! It was nice to observe and read a book in the restaurant. 

13. Any time you say something negative in your head, say 5 positive things out loud.

14. Leave your phone behind for a day and make eye contact with everyone you see!

15. Have a dance party with yourself! I probably do this wayyy too often! But it is SO FUN! 

16. Have a full blown conversation with yourself. I do this on the daily.  It’s gotten to the point where people catch me talking to myself, thinking I am talking to them, and ask me “what?” and I have to say “oh, nothing I was talking to myself.”

17. Fly halfway around the world by yourself and meet other people along the way. I did this once I graduated college! It was the experience that drove me to travel more often!

Flying back from Mexico

18. Take yourself on a drive, get some food at a drive through and watch the sunset. I did this in high school sometimes. There was a parking lot where you could see the sunset perfectly and I would drive there to look at it when I needed a pick me up!

19. People watch. You can say I am creepy, or I am just people watching, you choose!

20. Bring a journal, Go to a coffee shop, park or chill restaurant and write down your thoughts.

21. Pray every day! I am STILL learning to do this, but when I do it’s crazy how it adds a bit of peace to everything around me!

22. Learn a bible verse or quote that gives you confidence. Mine is “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33. Ok I guess this isn’t really a confidence verse but it is one that keeps me grounded. So whatever that is for you, write it down, memorize it and try to live by that!

23. Post your funniest selfie on IG! I think I am due for another funny one cause this one is from a long time ago!

24. Walk around in public without makeup!  For those of you who already do that on the regular, walk around WITH makeup!

25. Get dressed up with your favorite dress for no reason!

26. Get dressed up, and this time, take a nice car to a rooftop somewhere and drink a glass of your favorite drink while watching the sunset! Clearly I am a sunset person!

27. Get you and some of your girlfriends together. Do not, absolutely DO NOT talk about the opposite sex, dating, relationships, other people (negatively) or kids.  This one is HUGE! I noticed in college that my friends and I spent so much time talking about relationships, fantasies of our “crushes,” guys, and other irrelevant things that we missed opportunities to talk about US! We missed talking about our lives independent of our love relationships (or lack thereof)! This self-love task may be hard at first, and you might struggle for topics because you’re not used to talking about those things. Here are some other conversational topics to help you get started. Travel, money, business practices and strategy, new technology, empowering others, upcoming events in the city. From there, you should have more of a list of things!

28. Smile, look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself you are beautiful just the way you are!

Did you do any of these? Are you testing out some self love? Use the hashtag #VLLOVEYOSELF on Instagram so that we can share our self-love journey!

Believe it or not, I set up my tripod with my remote and took this pic on the public porch of the hotel in Mexico! (YES, people saw me and thought it was weird, but I was living my BEST LIFE)

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